A Church for All Ages

At Christ the King, we believe all are welcome, no matter what age or stage of life you’re in. Our worship services are intended to include people of all ages, with a children’s message for our youngest worshipers and a play space right in the sanctuary. Children, youth, and adults participate fully in worship and in the life of our congregation.


We are pleased to announce the return of CTKids, our Sunday morning program for Pre-K through 6th-grade children! The program runs at the same time as the church service (9am) and offers fun, interactive, and age-appropriate activities.


We participate in Lighthouse Youth Ministry, a partnership between five local church congregations including Christ the King. Lighthouse offers programs and activities for 5th-12th graders to help them build their faith. Lighthouse also offers a newly-remodeled, fun space for youth to get together, learn, grow, and serve

For more information, check out the Lighthouse website, Facebook, or Instagram pages!