Each weekend, we gather for worship and education looking to hear God’s Word through the Bible, song, prayer, and preaching. Then we go out seeking opportunities to serve our neighbors and show God’s love to the world. Whether you’re new to faith or you’ve grown up in the church, there is a place for you here at Christ the King Lutheran Church!

We gather for worship each Sunday at 8:30 am for about an hour. Each service includes a blend of modern and traditional music as we sing songs led by our worship band, Athirst, as well as organ-led hymns from the Evangelical Lutheran Worship hymnal.  This Athirst Spotify playlist features some of what you might hear our band playing. Service also includes engaging Biblical messages to help you grow in your relationship with Jesus. Check out our livestream archive to get more of a sense of what to expect.

Our church building is located across the street from Kolbach Park in Port Washington, at 420 W Whitefish Road. When you get here, you can park either in the parking lot behind the church or on the street in front.


Our congregation has a friendly, family feel, and children are welcome in worship. We offer a quiet play area right in our worship space for small children, and children grades K-5 are invited to enjoy an age-appropriate Sunday School lesson during the sermon.

Communion is a part of all of our Sunday worship services, and all baptized Christians are welcome to participate—no need to be a member here at CTK or even a Lutheran. We believe all are welcome at the Lord’s table. We celebrate communion using elements of bread and wine, and we also have grape juice and gluten-free wafers available.

And don’t worry, there’s no dress code, and as a newcomer to our community, you won’t be asked to give money or stand and introduce yourself in the service. 

After worship, stick around and join us for coffee and treats. You’re also welcome to join us in digging deeper in our Bible study after Sunday’s service.

Hope to see you soon!