Ministry Partners

As Lutherans, we believe God is calling us into the world – together. We are a congregation of people brought together by the Holy Spirit to do God’s work and serve the world. This isn’t something we can do alone!

Our local congregation is part of a regional body (the Greater Milwaukee Synod), which is part of a national body (the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America), which is a part of an international body (the Lutheran World Federation), which is a member of the World Council of Churches, which is part of God’s one holy, catholic, and apostolic church. Whew!

As a church rooted in Christ, we are called to work together with other churches, ministries, and organizations to serve our neighbors together. Here are some of the ministries with whom we partner.

Lighthouse Ecumenical Youth Ministry

We participate in Lighthouse Youth Ministry, an ecumenical partnership between five local church congregations including Christ the King. Lighthouse offers programs and activities for 5th-12th graders in Port Washington and Saukville to help them build their faith. Lighthouse also offers a newly-remodeled, fun space for youth to get together, learn,...

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Mt. Meru Coffee Project

The Mt. Meru Coffee Project is a ministry of the Greater Milwaukee Synod focusing on building economic justice by providing fairly traded Tanzanian coffee. By purchasing and drinking delicious Mt. Meru Premium Tanzanian Coffee, you help build grower to consumer relationships and develop a sustainable coffee marketplace for small coffee...

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Redeemer Lutheran Church

Located on the edge of Marquette University campus and rooted in a neighborhood marked by both poverty and promise, Redeemer is excited about our community collaborations and partnerships to serve our neighbors.  

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Living Hope Lutheran Church

Our partner congregation is Living Hope Lutheran Church, an ELCA congregation located in Saukville, with whom we share our pastor. Living Hope also includes the Here We Grow Preschool. Learn more at

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Greater Milwaukee Synod, ELCA

Christ the King Lutheran Church is part of the Greater Milwaukee Synod, an incorporated geographic area of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the largest Lutheran denomination in the United States. The Greater Milwaukee Synod is made up of 119 congregations, 3 Synodically Authorized Worshiping Communities, and 59,143 baptized members in...

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Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is one of the largest Christian denominations in the United States, with nearly 3.3 million members in more than 8,900 worshiping communities across the 50 states and in the Caribbean region. We are church We are what God has made us – people...

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