In worship service on Sunday, August 11, 2024, we heard about Jesus feeding a crowd of over 5,000 people with just one kid’s five loaves and two fish. In this miracle story, we see that whatever little we have to offer is enough for Jesus to use. Then, as part of worship, everyone was given $10 to put faith into action as we went down the road to Piggly Wiggly and purchased food to share with our neighbors through The Food Pantry, Inc..
Is it enough to solve hunger in our community? Absolutely not! And yet, we trust God can multiply what we offer, and we are grateful to be part of the work God is doing in bringing about the heavenly realm where no one goes hungry and there is enough for everyone. Here’s a few pictures from worship as we shopped and wrapped up our service by sharing communion together outside the store.
Watch the video of our abbreviated worship service with the link here.