At service on Sunday, October 6 we blessed quilts and baby care kits to be distributed to neighbors around the world through Lutheran World Relief! Thank you to everyone who contributed supplies for the kits and helped create the quilts!
A Sendoff Prayer:
We dedicate these quilts and baby care kits from our congregation to the glory of God. They will be distributed around the world through our partners in ministry, Lutheran World Relief. We give thanks to God for the talents and love demonstrated in these offerings, and for the ability to share with others. Bless the fruits of our labor and the whole work of Lutheran World Relief, that together we may minister to our neighbors. Let us pray. Merciful God, your kindness causes the light of the Gospel to shine among us. You have taught us to love you and to love our neighbor. Receive these quilts and kits as a witness of your love. Make them a source of hope and encouragement to all who receive them. Bless all who give and all who receive, as we are sewn together in the unity of your Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.