Joint council agenda (9/15/21)
The agenda for the joint council meeting is here: Agenda_ Joint Council Meeting 9_15_21
The agenda for the joint council meeting is here: Agenda_ Joint Council Meeting 9_15_21
Here is the agenda for the September council meeting: 9_8_2021 Agenda – CTK Council Meeting
The agenda for the August council meeting is here: 8_10_21 Agenda – CTK Council Meeting
The agenda for the June council meeting is here: CTK Council Agenda – 6_2_21
The agenda for the May joint council meeting is here: Agenda Joint Council Meeting 5_5_2021
The agenda for the May meeting is here: CTK Council Agenda – 5_3_21
The agenda for the joint LH/CTK council meeting is here: Joint Council Meeting – Agenda 4_12_21
The agenda for the April council meeting is located here: CTK Council 4_7_21 – Agenda